Conga CLM

Manage complicated, enterprise-wide contract lifecycles to mitigate risk, reduce friction, and empower your business to scale

Seamless contract negotiations

Conga CLM is a critical component of Conga Revenue Lifecycle Cloud, a set of unified products built on Conga Platform that enable you to crush your unique revenue lifecycle complexities and increase revenue certainty. Conga’s open, flexible, and high-performance solution unifies, automates, and standardizes revenue processes across all teams to maximize customer lifetime value. 

Conga Revenue Lifecycle Wheel and Data

Conga CLM features 

  • Central repository 

    Manage all contracts in a single place with a full view of the entire contract cycle, including versions, negotiations, approval history, and metrics.

  • Uncover insights 

    Automatically extract contracts and key terms for strategic insights, accurate reporting, and risk mitigation using AI.

  • Pre-approved language 

    Minimize risk and lengthy delays in legal approval by incorporating standard, pre-approved language and clauses.

  • Online contract collaboration 

    Securely comment and redline agreements in real time, shortening contract cycle times and syncing changes across all agreements, regardless of source.

  • Seamless integrations 

    Manage the entire contract lifecycle without leaving the tools you use every day, like Microsoft Office and Salesforce.

Scalable, end-to-end contract management

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Increase in contract accuracy


Increase in contract compliance


Faster contract processing


Complete view of entire contract cycle


Languages and currencies out-of-the-box

Statistics provided by Conga customers

Conga CLM Product Screen

The trusted solution for CLM

The CLM market is crowded, but Conga CLM is the complete, one-stop solution you need. Conga CLM works with the tools you already use to enable easy collaboration—and our end-to-end solutions integrate seamlessly to provide unmatched efficiency. Learn why top brands like Sony, Adobe, and Hilton choose Conga.  

See what customers say about Conga CLM

See what customers are saying about Conga CLM

Customer success

End-to-end support on Conga CLM

With support from Conga Services, Conga Community, and our technical team, we’re able to support our customers and to solve any CLM questions that come up along the way.

Woman discussing Conga CLM

Conga CLM plays well with others.

Conga’s products are purpose-built to work together seamlessly, so you can automate and streamline commercial operations end-to-end.

Conga CLM FAQs

  • What are the stages of the contract lifecycle?
    1. Request: a business user asks for a contract 
    2. Drafting: a contract is created 
    3. Negotiate: terms are agreed between parties 
    4. Approval 
    5. Execution: the contract is signed, put into effect, and placed in a repository 
    6. Obligations: ensure both sides meet their end of the agreement 
    7. Compliance: meet all reporting, search, and government requirements 
    8. Amendment/renewal: contracts are changed and renewed, then the cycle starts over 

    If you need help navigating your CLM process, our Ultimate guide to contract management can help. 

  • How can Conga CLM improve contract compliance?

    Conga CLM allows for up-to-date clause and language libraries for consistent, professional-looking contracts. Compliance is ensured with standard workflows and required approvals, which all kick off at the click of a button with easy contract generation

  • How does Conga CLM meet complex business challenges?

    Conga CLM handles the most complex processes and was built for enterprise-wide, multi-departmental use. Multiple workflows with multiple reviewers, highly amended contracts with complicated negotiations, and contracts that need input from multiple people in multiple departments are no problem. 

  • How can CLM software accelerate the revenue cycle?

    When you start managing your contracts with Conga CLM in Salesforce you’ll notice:   

    • Greater visibility into where contracts are in the process  
    • Improved customer experience  
    • Faster sales cycle time and a faster time to revenue  
    • Fewer manual processes that result in fewer headaches and human errors 

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