
Two legal professionals reviewing a contract
The future of compliance: How financial institutions can build a DORA-ready culture

The future of compliance: How financial institutions can build a DORA-ready culture

The Digital Operations Resilience Act (DORA) comes into force for financial institutions and information and communications technology (ICT) service providers on 17 January 2025. It is a looming deadline, and companies impacted by it must act to ensure compliance.
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Two woman looking at a tablet
Decision night: 3 tips for selecting the best CLM for your business

Decision night: 3 tips for selecting the best CLM for your business

Is your company caught in the whirlwind of CLM vendor promises? With over 240 vendors competing for your vote—85 of them entering the race since 2017 alone—the CLM market is more crowded than ever.
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Get to know our 2023 Conga Inspire Award winners 
Industry insights

Get to know our 2023 Conga Inspire Award winners 

The Conga Inspire Awards were presented at Conga Connect 2023 and this year’s winners are some of the most innovative, market-leading organizations we’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.
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Woman pointing to graphs on phone
Manufacturers now have a new way to access equipment, providing flexibility and scalability

Manufacturers now have a new way to access equipment, providing flexibility and scalability

Take a walk in almost any metropolitan area around the globe, and you’ll see a building in some stage of construction. The sector is booming even as the economy has slowed over the past year. This has manufacturers looking to invest in key technologies and solutions that will enable them to continue that growth.
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Coworkers collaborating
Recently laid off? Free Training & Credentials for Conga Customers
Industry insights

Recently laid off? Free Training & Credentials for Conga Customers

At Conga, the foundation of who we are and what we strive to build is grounded in three core principles—champion the customer, embrace an entrepreneurial spirit, and achieve together.
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Woman holding a pencil and smiling
Wet signature vs eSignature: What’s the difference?

Wet signature vs eSignature: What’s the difference?

Sign on the dotted line. It’s a common phrase that’s repeated in countless settings, from high-stakes business deals to everyday restaurant transactions. We all understand that, in most cases, a signature is the key to creating an official, legally binding contract or agreement.
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Doctor typing on laptop
Healthcare contract management: the changing role of the Healthcare System General Counsel

Healthcare contract management: the changing role of the Healthcare System General Counsel

I remember the early days of COVID-19 as if they happened yesterday. First, struggling to get my son home from his semester abroad in Milan, of all places. Next, tracking his movement from Milan to Berlin to Copenhagen to Newark, an airport as empty as one in a Steven King novel.
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Men and woman discussing a report
Manual Document Creation: Uncover the Hidden Costs
Document automation

Manual Document Creation: Uncover the Hidden Costs

It’s no secret that manual document creation from Salesforce can be expensive and time-consuming.

But did you know that using a tool like Conga Composer to create your documents can save you time and money?

Check out this post to uncover the hidden costs of manual document creation.
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Doctor conducting clinical research
Revenue lifecycle management: the key to optimizing revenue growth

Revenue lifecycle management: the key to optimizing revenue growth

Everyone wants more predictable revenue. In today's fast-paced business environment, companies are constantly looking for ways to increase revenue and stay ahead of the competition. One of the most effective ways to do so is with revenue lifecycle management.
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Teammates discussing work
Change Management Plan: 5 Steps to Follow During a Technology Implementation

Change Management Plan: 5 Steps to Follow During a Technology Implementation

In the business world, the only constant is change. The ability to adapt in the face of today’s challenges—like uncertain economic conditions, technological advances, ever-changing laws, and even a global pandemic—is one of the major differences between a thriving business and one that consistently struggles.
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Doctor typing on laptop
Exploring key technology innovations with Forrester’s Seth Marrs
Industry insights

Exploring key technology innovations with Forrester’s Seth Marrs

The tools and technology that shape today’s revenue processes are constantly changing. Seth Marrs, principal analyst at Forrester, recently sat down with us to talk about the evolution of revenue operations and the value that various solutions can provide to businesses today. Following are some key takeaways from the conversation.
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Man looking at tablet
Digging into revenue operations with Conga’s Jeff Ford (Part 2)
Industry insights

Digging into revenue operations with Conga’s Jeff Ford (Part 2)

As companies shift from a sales-first mindset to a more holistic, revenue-focused approach, they’re putting more emphasis on the end-to-end revenue lifecycle.
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Doctor working with team
Contract management for Life Sciences organizations: a complete guide
Document automation

Contract management for Life Sciences organizations: a complete guide

Providing real-time care for patients can also mean passing along large bills associated with that care. While providers seek to keep the cost down for patients, it can be challenging to navigate the complexities with cost of goods, time, insurance companies.
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