How to electronically sign a Word document

Electronic signatures or eSignatures offer a convenient and paperless way to sign documents. However, there are certain situations where it may be necessary to print eSignatures in Microsoft Word. Here are a few reasons why this might be necessary:
- Document presentation: You may need to present a physical copy of a document with eSignatures to individuals or organizations that prefer or require paper documentation. Printing the document allows you to showcase the signed version in a traditional format.
- Legal requirements: Certain jurisdictions or industries may have specific regulations or legal requirements that mandate physical copies of documents with signatures. Printing eSignatures can help ensure compliance with such requirements.
- Internal processes: Some organizations may have internal workflows or archiving systems that necessitate printed copies of documents with eSignatures. This could be for record-keeping, audit purposes, or other internal procedures.
- Collaborative reviews: During collaborative reviews or internal feedback processes, stakeholders may prefer to work with printed copies for better visibility and ease of annotation. Printing eSignatures allows for a more comprehensive review process.
It's important to note that while printing eSignatures can be useful in certain situations, the integrity and authenticity of the electronic signatures should be maintained. It's crucial to use a reliable e-signature solution like Conga Sign to ensure the security and validity of the signatures, regardless of whether they are printed or digitally displayed.
In this simple step-by-step guide, we will demonstrate how Conga Sign can be used effectively as a print driver to prepare any printable document, including Microsoft Word files, for electronic signatures. By utilizing the Conga Sign Print Driver, you can seamlessly insert electronic signatures into your documents. Follow these steps to get started:
While this example focuses on sending a document through Microsoft Word Processor, you can also use the Conga Sign with other applications such as Excel, PDF files from Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google Docs, and more.
- Open your Microsoft Word document and navigate to the file menu. Select Print from the options.
- Once you have installed the Conga Sign Print Driver, you will see an additional option in the list of available printers: Send to Conga Sign. Click.
- Click the Print button.
- If you are using this feature for the first time, you will be prompted to enter your Conga Sign login credentials. This is a one-time requirement, it’ll remember your details moving forward.
- From the drop-down menu, you can choose the instance of Conga Sign you want to use, including the desired region or locality.
- In the pop-up dialog box, provide a name for the transaction.
- If you frequently position signature boxes and fields in the same places, you can select an option from the Apply Layout field to automatically insert predefined signature blocks, fields, and templates into your document.
- Left click the OK button to send your document directly to Conga Sign.
- Now that you are in the Conga Sign platform, add your signers and select a user authentication method. Enter the full name and email address of your recipients and choose an authentication option from the menu bar. You can also include additional information such as phone numbers and job titles at this stage.
- If you applied a layout in step 7, the signature fields will already be populated in the document. If not, use the drag-and-drop interface to add signature boxes and other data fields as needed. You can also remove signature fields the same way.
That's it! Once you’ve completed the setup, select Send to deliver the document to your signers and request their signatures. Signers can then apply their eSignatures to the document by clicking or tapping, depending on the device used.
For more step-by-step guides and to learn more about how to collect signatures from any device, anywhere request a Conga Sign free trial.
Benefits of Conga Sign for on-demand signing
- Proven Solution: Conga has been trusted by organizations for years, delivering reliable revenue lifecycle management and eSignature capabilities across various use cases and regulated industries, leading to increased adoption and accelerated time-to-revenue.
- Scalable Platform: Conga Sign offers a scalable platform and integration framework, enabling organizations to deploy e-signatures enterprise-wide. Leverage a shared services approach for a faster time-to-market.
- Advanced Security: Conga Sign utilizes digital signature technology and tamper seals to ensure document integrity and prevent unauthorized modifications between or after signing.
- User Experience: Conga Sign is user-friendly. Just select Conga Sign as you would any other printer on your network to send your document seamlessly.